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About Us

Kids in Technology Class

Why did we start STEMrise for Youth?

Did you know?

Learning math
Math Class

Despite growing demand, there is a significant shortage of qualified STEM professionals, which may leave 2 million jobs unfilled by 2025.

Women and minorities are extremely underrepresented in STEM occupations, with women making up only 35% of the workforce and minorities only making up 24%.

Despite the clear benefits, diversity remains a challenge within STEM fields. This issue is multifaceted, with key barriers including unconscious bias, absence of role models, and educational disparities.

Our Solution

STEMrise for Youth was founded with a clear mission: to bridge the gap in STEM education access and opportunity for young learners from all backgrounds. Through our programs, engaging activities, and dedicated mentorship, we aim to inspire and empower the next generation of STEM leaders. By providing equitable access to high-quality STEM education, resources, and support, we enable students to develop critical thinking skills in hopes of preparing them to tackle the challenges of high school and beyond with confidence and competence.

Who are the founders and tutors?

STEMrise for Youth was founded by Dessie Yang, a high schooler from New Jersey. Reflecting on her own journey with biology and mathematics, she recognized the immense value of early STEM education and the excitement it can ignite in young minds. STEMrise was created to provide a supportive community where young individuals can cultivate their interest in STEM fields and realize their full potential.

STEMrise for Youth also consists of a team of tutors who excel in their fields and are committed to spreading access to early STEM education for young learners. Through their dedication and expertise, our team of tutors is crucial in empowering young learners to unlock their full potential in STEM. They are the heart and soul of STEMrise for Youth, driving our mission to cultivate a generation of curious, confident, and capable problem-solvers ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

To learn more about us, visit the team page

Who is eligible for the program?

STEMrise for Youth welcomes all 6th-8th grade students, regardless of prior experience. There's no limit on the number of classes students can enroll in, and they can choose based on their schedule. The only prerequisite is a passion for learning and exploration!

How do I participate?

If you are eligible to join our program and would like to do so, please register through our registration page. Even if you are unsure about your schedule, we still encourage you to sign up as participation is free of charge! You will be notified via email once we finalize our tutor and class rosters.

For more details about registration and to register, visit the registration page

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